Saturday, December 6, 2008

Just a sip

About four years ago I started drinking coffee. I lived in Raleigh, North Carolina in a small house with eight people. For a year I was in a volunteer program called Service Adventure. Volunteering everyday with a job at: A museum called North Carolina Natural science Museum; I worked in the paleontology lab (cleaning and finding fossils my dream job) and a live butterfly exhibit (with a live sloth). My other jobs were at 10,000 Villages (a non-profit store), In a childcare center with two year old (I was excellent at changing diapers), In a thrift store, and a few nights a week I spent the night at an old couples house for in care living help (they would wait for me to come at 5pm and keep me up till 11pm after I had a long day of work, they just loved to talk…and they loved oatmeal with raisins). Basically my life was devoted to volunteering, and there was very little money provided for living but we all made it through the year comfortably. Back to the coffee, I first discovered coffee shops in Raleigh. I had my favorite cafes, but really I just slowly fell in love with the smells, tastes of the drinks, and of course the community I met when I sat sipping the nectar of life. One time Robin (one of my house mates) and I walked to a coffee shop and realized we had no money (we rarely did have any) so we scrounged up enough for one cup and ended up getting free coffee (we remembered that day and gave thanks for the free coffee). That year really made me appreciate every thing I had and realize family and friends were very important and money didn’t matter. This is sounding similar to the last post I wrote… Anyways, There was so much grown in my maturity in life that I will always remember every lesson I learned and put them to good use in my current every day life… like drinking coffee.

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