Monday, December 8, 2008

There’s no where to go but up

Everyone needs a little embarrassment in their life to bring things down to earth. The other day I was visiting with my sister, that night we went to a Christmas banquet at her church. We planned on playing a few songs for entertainment. So, we pick a few out practiced like mad the day of and felt ready to perform. The banquet began and first came the food then entertainment; we were second on the list. Our turn came to sing our little hearts out; we walked to the stage (in a shy manor). We started out fairly nice sounding, then came the tickle of a laugh every time we messed a word up, soon there much more laughing than singing. My face was probably as red as a pomegranate, we cut the first song short and decided we could try the second…to our surprise the laughter in us was as abundant as ever I bolted off the stage as soon as I could. I can not remember the last time I’ve felt embarrassed? (Usually I’m trying hard to embarrass someone else.) I am so thankful that laughter is such a large part in my life. I have some of the goofiest roommates that with no doubt will make me buckle over in laughter in a split second. I wish I could just replay some of our ridiculous moments. But, most of the time there would be no laughter with out embarrassment accompanying it. I say be strong and get embarrassed it feels good to laugh.

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